January 2021
January 5, 2021 Yesterday I had my yearly physical exam. Since MaMa wasn't sure the location I had my shots taken, she fixed me a place on the floor to rest and relax. She didn't want me jumping off of the couch.....just in case my thighs might be hurting. Oh, and by the way, don't you humans feel bad. I gained 3 lbs. in the last 18 months. This virus y'all have going around has definitely created a little more snacking. Anyway, when Dr. Anna came out to the car to give a summary of my visit, she said to "give him a Cheerio" for a snack and "that's it". Yeah right!!!! Have a great day everyone. I'm feeling a bit lazy myself. Yes, it was also suggested to incorporate more walking for me. Again, guess she forgot the memo that says, "I am a lazy Lhasa"!